Email Confirmation Improvement for Next Orders
Austin Shaw
Juli with JW Mechanical has been placing Goodman direct orders on Legacy for 2 years now. She was selected to be a beta tester for Next and provided feedback regarding lack of info on the email confirmation that gets sent out for all orders placed through Next.
More feedback:
Still missing some key information in the confirmation email. Pricing and Goodman invoice number are vital for our company to ensure orders are accurate. (Juli with JW Mechanical)
Alan tippins
Merged in a post:
Email Confirmation Misleading
Austin Shaw
Kristy (legacy user) placed her first 2 orders on Next. She pointed out the order confirmation email informs her that she will be notified when the order is ready for pick up/delivery. I can confirm Sibi and our HVAC partners do not provide any confirmation to users when an order is ready for pick up or out on a delivery truck. She said this mislead her as she selected same day pick up and was waiting for someone to follow up before she sent her techs to pick up orders.
Charles Lehman
I thought all orders (regardless of which Shop) receive confirmation emails after purchasing...
Charles Lehman
Are we just not itemizing the products by price and that's what she is calling out?
Austin Shaw
Charles Lehman: This is an example of the confirmation email that gets sent out for orders placed through Next. Screenshot in OG post contains example of email for legacy orders. Juli is also calling out we no longer include the important information pertaining to the order like Goodman's confirmation number.